Peer Supporters in dementia Care

In 2021, KBT started a pilot project in Norway where we examine how peer supporters can function in the dementia care. Now Roger Santokhie and Karl Johan Johansen are working with an Erasmus+ research project about peer supporters in dementia care. Through KBT Vocational School they, together with partners from Greece, Romania and Italy, got nearly 2 million NOK for the project PIA.

Goal – contribute to sustainable services for people with dementia
PIA stands for Peer Support Workers as an Innovative force in Advocacy in dementia care. The project goal is to make sustainable and competence enhancing services for persons with dementia. They want to find new ways to involve users and relatives in the development of services.

Further, PIA have several intermediate goals:

  • Developing learning material and methods training peer supporters in dementia care
  • To develop strategies for policy. In PIA, they will find out how they can start national strategies for dementia, and open up the opportunity to use peer supporters
  • To develop a digital collaboration platform
  • Dissemination of knowledge of the results

Read the full article here: